15 October 2010

Richard Avedon

Richard Avedon, in my opinion, was one of the greatest American Photographers that ever lived.

Born in 1923 to a Jewish-Russian family in New York he attended school in the Bronx. After finishing at Colombia University he started his career working for the Merchant Marines in the 1940's. He used to take bog standard identification photos of the crew and staff on a Rolleiflex camera that was a leaving present from his father.

In the Mid-Forties, whilst he was working as an advertising photographer for a department store, he was discovered by Alexey Brodovitch who was the Art Director for Harpers Bazaar.

He quickly had his own studio and was taking photographs for high profile magazines that included Vogue.


Avedon stood out from other photographers, because unlike the other fashion photographs where models would stand motionless and emotionless in front of the camera, Avendon showed his models to be full of emotion and in action.

Audrey Hepburn

He was a photographic genesis... in my opinion.

There were so many photos I wanted to share with you of his but I have had to trim down to these few.. please check his work out online here.

 Marilyn Monroe

 Elizabeth Taylor

 JFK & Jackie

Marilyn Monroe

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