28 September 2010
Fred & Ginger - Inspiration to many
A little homage to the late great Fred & Ginger themselves… They had style.. They had grace.. And Ginger had oh such a pretty face :-)
27 September 2010
The start of something beautiful…
So here we are.. a new beginning.The beginning of anything is exciting as you watch the greatness develop in front of your eyes.
Rather like having a child.
You have to nurture it and feed it knowledge and bestow upon it your own values and strengths. So here we present our child to you.. Fred & Ginger Vintage (takes bow)..
Starting a blog for Fred & Ginger Vintage, we thought would be beneficial. Beneficial for you as a customer/friend to see where our influences for garment selection comes from and beneficial for us to
a) have the freedom to express what’s going on in our minds and in our day and
b) to be able to communicate with you guys out there reading our ramblings.
We thought our first blog, as well as serving as an introduction, should also serve as showcasing our style influences.
We love people, who with incredible style, ooze infectious swagger.
For us, Audrey Hepburn is the epitome of both. She just oozed effortless elegance, glamour and pose. Although not being at all feminine in frame, she worked with what she had and always looked effortlessly stunning.
Our main aim for this brand is to pass on not just pieces you could wear everyday but also special pieces to make your inner Audrey or Dean Martin come alive and shine.